

Students talk with alumni after their showcase performances to ask questions about 成为纽约市的一名专业演员.

Students talk with alumni after their showcase performances to ask questions about 成为纽约市的一名专业演员.

Theresa Kellar is wished good luck by alumnus Jason Veasey ’04 before she performs 在橱窗里.

Theresa Kellar is wished good luck by alumnus Jason Veasey ’04 before she performs 在橱窗里.

Michael Allyn takes a moment before his performance.

Michael Allyn takes a moment before his performance.

Rose Van Dyne plays piano before the beginning of the showcase.

Rose Van Dyne plays piano before the beginning of the showcase.

The Class of 2018 wraps their 北科罗拉多大学 showcase dress rehearsal on March 12, 2018, 在纽约的剧院中心演出.

The Class of 2018 wraps their 北科罗拉多大学 showcase dress rehearsal on March 12, 2018, 在纽约的剧院中心演出.

Cody Mowry, Savannah Minnery and Graeme Schulz perform during the showcase.

Cody Mowry, Savannah Minnery and Graeme Schulz perform during the showcase.

Brianna 里, foreground, takes the stage with classmates before their performances.

Brianna 里, foreground, takes the stage with classmates before their performances.

The 2018 class huddles together before their performances.

The 2018 class huddles together before their performances.

学生罗斯·范·戴恩在布鲁克林大桥上. 图片由Rose Van Dyne提供

学生罗斯·范·戴恩在布鲁克林大桥上. 图片由Rose Van Dyne提供

The Richard Rodgers Theatre, where Broadway hit Hamilton is showing. 特蕾莎·凯勒摄

The Richard Rodgers Theatre, where Broadway hit Hamilton is showing. Theresa摄 Kellar


UNC Musical Theatre students spent spring break in 纽约 City performing and gaining theatrical experience — and getting a glimpse of the life they’ve been working toward 在过去的四年里.

By Briana Harris, Photography by Michael Noble Jr.

UNC Musical Theatre students spent spring break in 纽约 City performing and gaining theatrical experience — and getting a glimpse of the life they’ve been working toward 在过去的四年里.

While waiting this spring to perform on a 纽约 City stage, UNC’s Musical Theatre seniors couldn’t help but feel like they’d reached a turning point.

“I was definitely nervous,” says Brianna 里. “就像我们的老师试图告诉我们的那样 us this isn’t the end-all be-all, it’s our senior showcase, and we perform in front 的代理.”

高年级同学Rose Van Dyne对此表示赞同. “It’s hard not to put all your eggs in one basket.”

UNC’s School of Theatre 艺术 and Dance has organized an annual Senior Showcase spring trip to 纽约 City for its senior class since 2002. 它开始是一种快速起步的方式 the professional careers of the school’s performance program graduates. 行程包括 a showcase performance for theatrical agents, casting directors and professional contacts. The model has proven to be an effective launch pad: 27 alumni from the school have 出演了57多部百老汇作品.

Many of the school’s Musical Theatre majors hope to move to 纽约 following graduation; for some, the showcase marks their first taste of what life as a professional 演员 就像UNC之后的样子.

To prepare, students spend about seven months making song 选择s — material totaling 大约5分钟的表演. 在为期一年的高年级展示课上 18 students enrolled perform new material for the class every few weeks, then get feedback from professors and guest artists to find and perfect the best material for 纽约. This year’s guest artists visiting campus included Broadway director Jeff Whiting; Broadway 演员 and feature film director and producer Aaron Galligan-Stierle; and casting director Rachel Hoffman of the award-winning Telsey and Company.

After feedback from Hoffman, senior Jill Engstrom ended up changing her solo song 选择. “I only had a few weeks with the song that I chose,” she says, which added 额外的压力.

Students traveled to 纽约 City during the first weekend of UNC’s spring break. 3月12日,好戏上演了. They arrived at the Jerry Orbach Theater just off-Broadway 在西50街.

“The vibe before we left for the trip was really tense and nervous,” says Engstrom, “但一到那里,我们就真的很兴奋.”

Students warmed up and engaged in pre-show group rituals and acts of support. 自 most of these students have taken classes together their entire time at UNC, showcase 一天是一个激动的时刻.

“That’s family — you’ve been with these people for four years,” 里 says.

Many students received multiple inquiries and callbacks from agents, and some took other auditions for shows while they were in town.

They also had the opportunity to experience Broadway stars and trends in person. “看到 shows is almost like studying for us,” says Engstrom, who saw six productions while 在城市里.

“I was so amazed and excited about the diversity I saw on stage. 不仅有 people of every race, but also size,” says Kellar, adding that it was exciting to see the opportunities that will be available for everyone.

For 里, the trip confirmed her goal of moving to 纽约 to become a professional 演员. “I’m from a small town, so going to 纽约 was a huge deal for me,” says 里. “果然,我坠入了爱河. 我已经准备好适应城市生活了.”

For many students, following the performance process from start to finish allows them to picture themselves taking their next professional steps.

“It confirmed that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life,” says 里, after seeing the revival production of Once On This Island. “既然我可以 up there doing the exact same things they are doing gave me hope.” UNC