



This fall, with COVID-19 forcing events to take place virtually, UNC's alumni generously 通过虚拟的校友职业小组分享他们的时间, answering questions from moderators 观众也一样. 超过100人参加了活动(许多人多次参加) 事件),而更多的人则是在事件发生后按需观看. 我们邀请您观看 他们的需求,并了解更多博天堂官方网站你感兴趣的领域. 

A huge thank you to our panelists for sharing their time and energy to help their fellow Bears plan their 职业生涯s, learn to network, and succeed, and to our 校友 让这一切发生的团队!



These professionals spoke about the field of Human 资源 and gave insight as to what employers look for when hiring (think: communication skills, flexibility, adaptability, 工作经验及以上). 他们建议确保你的职业道德符合 你潜在雇主的道德、价值观和使命. 看看这个视频,如果你 want to tell your story in an interview, avoid common job application process pitfalls, understand how the transition to work-from-home has impacted talent acquisition and 更多的. 


  • 托马斯·哈特曼博士.D. 2007年-科罗拉多州劳动力发展委员会顾问(主持人)
  • Deana Lemos-Garcia ' 05, ' 18 -人力资源经理,格里利市
  • Efrain Madera ’16 – University Relations Manager/ Talent Acquisition Professional, CVS药店
  • Michelle Paquette ’01 –Senior Project Manager, Executive Compensation, The Walt Disney 公司
  • Amber Simon ’01 –Founder, The 2nd Page Career Services, LLC (Former Corporate HR Executive)


These professionals talked about working with others on the job, learning to work with different communication and learning styles, and the fact that no matter what 你在做,你在卖东西! 看看这个博天堂官方网站好习惯的建议 in the workplace, different ways to obtain work experience, setting up informational 面试及更多.


  • Jamie Dagg ' 18, MadWire/Marketing 360®营销主管
  • 杰西卡·埃斯皮诺萨-诺瓦里亚16届,18届,市场研究分析师,水獭产品
  • Casey Lorenzen ' 05,内容经理,Fjällräven
  • Nubia Martinez-Caro ‘04, Client Service Manager and Assistant Vice President, Wells 法戈私人银行 


These professionals talked about the challenging nature of working in athletics, the network and industry work experience that UNC provided to prepare them for their 职业生涯s, working extra hard in college to prepare for a solid 职业生涯, trusting the process 并在毕业前获得专业团队的经验. 看看这个 panel if you want to know what makes an impression during internships, how to search for opportunities, equal opportunity in the world of sports, and whether you need 体育工作的硕士学位.


  • Arin Dunn ‘15, Director of Student-Athlete 发展 and 4EVER TEXAS Program, The 德克萨斯大学田径(主持人)
  • 文斯·加西亚06级,丹佛野马队首席运动教练
  • 艾琳·普鲁特,19岁,科罗拉多老鹰队游戏运营经理
  • Angelica Sena ‘17, ’18, Assistant Director of Marketing, The University of Utah 体育运动


These professionals talked about unexpected twists and turns in their 职业生涯s, being connected in the community, and how a graduate degree can prepare you for your 职业生涯. They discussed the value of being involved in specialty programs during your time in college, the importance and influence of mentorship, and how to find jobs after 完成研究生学位课程. 查看这个小组了解更多博天堂官方网站开发的信息 你的关系网,硕士学位的起薪值等等.


  • 塞缪尔·D. 索尔' 11,助理教授,威斯康星大学史蒂文斯点
  • Bryson Kelly ‘15, Assistant Director of Recruitment, 北科罗拉多大学 (主持人)
  • Elizabeth Mahoney ' 05, Owner, Complete Professional 发展
  • Adriana Ramirez ’09, ‘13, Behavioral Health Therapist, Heart Centered Counseling
  • Brandon Torrez ‘99, ‘02, Teacher, Greeley West High 学校, Greeley-Evans 学校 District 6


These professionals discussed how difficult but rewarding the teaching profession is, the possibilities for teaching around the world, and examples of what they like to see in the people they work with and teach — be honest, be professional, own your 错误. 看看这篇文章,了解更多博天堂官方网站在什么时候让自己与众不同的信息 applying for education jobs, tips on getting through interview jitters, how to connect 在面试中与雇主以及如何支持新教师.


  • Adrienne Bergenfeld ‘04, Assistant Director of 国际 Students, University 加州的圣克鲁斯
  • Kerry Kawamura, 98年,2000年,学校重建专家,乐华综合大楼
  • 艾琳“格里菲斯”麦克金利' 88,高中艺术教师,法明顿市立学校
  • Stephen Michalik ‘03, ’05, Co-Founder and STEM 协调员, All Nations Community 学校
  • Dr. Stephen Seedorf ‘05, ‘07, ‘11, ’14, Executive Director, Frontier Academy (主持人)
  • Nancy Wendirad ‘05, Culturally Linguistic Diverse and Spanish Teacher, 学校 District 焊缝Re-8


These professionals talk about how collaboration and kindness will serve you well in your 职业生涯, the cliché of being told you won’t make any money as an artist, and 艺术基于网络的本质. 看看这个小组,了解这些建议 artists would have given their younger selves, the most rewarding aspects of their 以及他们在COVID-19期间是如何适应的.


  • 尼克·肯尼16岁,格里利爱乐乐团执行董事(主持人)
  • 胡里奥·门多萨' 12,艺术家/壁画家,Jwlç艺术品
  • 杰米·安·罗梅罗07年,演员
  • 希瑟·沃什伯恩' 10,选角助理,保龄球Miscia选角


These professionals gave advice on gaining soft skills needed in nursing and other health professions, how to begin understanding the structure of healthcare and the 冒名顶替综合症的挑战. 看看这个小组的鼓励 for new healthcare professionals, advice on staying connected with your cohort and building your healthcare network, and tips such as asking for help when you need it.


  • Kathie Hopkins ’05, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cheyenne 区域医疗中心
  • Jumer Sapinoro ’13, MSN, RN-BC, Nurse Manager, UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies


These professionals 共享 about various aspects of working in media, the value of public speaking skills in interviews and working with clients, and being adaptable 作为一个沟通者. 看看这个小组博天堂官方网站练习公开演讲的建议 on the assets students should create to build their portfolios before applying for 工作,并详细介绍了通信领域的许多途径.


  • Reginald Hardwick ‘94, Director of 新s and Public Affairs, Illinois Public Media – IL
  • 布拉迪·赫尔' 17,总经理/主持人1310 KFKA - CO
  • 林赛·萨拉查,2009年,格里利广播公司总裁
  • Ryan Shucard ' 11,公共事务副总裁,JPA Health - Washington, D.C. 

参与 & 回馈

博天堂官方依靠全国各地校友的时间和专业知识. 如果你愿意 get involved as a 志愿者 for an upcoming 职业生涯 panel or other university program, 请填写 北卡大学校友参与表格 and a member of the alumni staff will follow up with you to discuss options and opportunities.
